Monday, August 15, 2011

Pirate Baby Clothes - Are You Sick of Pink and Blue? former Gifts For Baby Showers!

Pirate Baby Clothes - Are You Sick of Pink and Blue? former Gifts For Baby Showers!

Be honest. Your baby's closet consists of one or two colors. Three at the most. When you shop for baby clothes, you don't have much variety. It's the same colors and designs with just a limited unlikeness of pattern, right? I went through the same thing until I discovered that pirate baby clothes were ready on the internet!

No, I'm not saying I put a patch over my baby's right eye and handed him a sword (although that would be cute too...), but I found awesome limited shirts and bibs with pirates on them that turned him into the coolest baby at playgroup. Now in any place we go, I have other moms request where I got his duds from. It's pretty flattering.

Baby Newborn Clothes

You would think after all these years, market would catch on and start selling pirate baby clothes and other cool things for babies, but most haven't. They stick to the same old pink and blue, and then there are the strangeness colors: yellow and green. This just gets boring after a while, you know? Sure these are cute, but I wanted to turn it up sometimes. But until now I didn't have much choice.

I love surprising a new mom with pirate baby clothes at her baby shower! It's guaranteed to be an customary gift that no one else brought! And if you do want to add the sword and eye patch, you can always give a baby pirate costume. Hip new moms will really love these unique gifts.

If you want your baby to be as cool as you are, reconsider adding pirate baby clothes to his or her wardrobe. They will thank you later when they look back on their baby pictures and see that their mom had a great fashion sense. Then they won't be embarrassed when you show their baby photos to all of their dates! (Or they won't be as embarrassed, anyways!)

Break the vicious cycle of pink and blue and give your limited pirate some style with pirate baby clothes!

Pirate Baby Clothes - Are You Sick of Pink and Blue? former Gifts For Baby Showers!

Check Price on - Baby Newborn Clothes Products

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