Monday, September 12, 2011

Aztec Baby Names

Aztec Baby Names

The antique Aztec Indians ruled the jungles of South America for many generations. They built a large empire and relied heavily on their spiritual and religious beliefs. Thus, Aztec baby names are filled with an awe arresting sense of personal belonging to the world and all that is created. Names derived from the simplest grain of sand to the might of the universe can be seen in every Aztec baby name you find.

Their strong tradition as warriors is present in all names, both male and female. Also the use of everyday objects that they saw as being strong, such as types of trees, mountains, and even rivers can be seen. Names for fertility and health can be beloved for female children, showing a reverence to earth and the growing of foods for harvest. Life giving properties that all humans need to survive. Animal names are coarse for males. Taking the name of the Jaguar, for example, gives the boy vigor and speed, along with the potential to hunt and track in the jungle like no other.

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Aztec baby names also recount separate aspects of their gods and the roles those gods were believed to fill. Although naming an Aztec baby with the name of a god was never done outright for fear of angering the god and bringing bad luck or even death, not only to the child but also the child's parents.

Aztec baby names such as Tupac, for a boy, which means Warrior/Messenger, or Atl for either boy or girl, which means water, show the diversity in these names. Female baby names regularly show a relationship with earth, many having names of flowers to show the beauty they see in their daughters. Names like Xochitl, meaning flower, or Nenetl, meaning doll, can be seen to show an affinity with things of beauty and playfulness. But not all Aztec baby names for females are nice and pretty. There are some that have a strong meaning, such as Eztli meaning blood, that can be seen in both male and female Aztec baby names.

The internet provides some good websites that list some Aztec baby names for you to peruse. Two of these are and Both of these sites offer separate lists of Aztec names as well as their meanings.

What ever name you give to your child, an Aztec baby name should be taken as seriously as the Aztecs themselves would have taken in giving these names to their own children. These names hold a mystique of power that vibrates to the core of the child who is presented with it.

Aztec Baby Names

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